Older woman dancing at a silent disco
East Midlands

Action Days in East Midlands

Have a look at all of the upcoming Action Days happening in East Midlands.

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Two older women in colourful clothes
North West

Action Days in North West

Have a look at all of the upcoming Action Days happening in North West.

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Artist painting
North East

Action Days in North East

Have a look at all of the upcoming Action Days happening in North East.

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Two women socialising outside
East of England

Action Days in East of England

Have a look at all of the upcoming Action Days happening in East of England.

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Two older people rollerskating

Action Days in London

Have a look at all of the upcoming Action Days happening in London.

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Two people walking

Exhibition - Challenging Ageism: See and Be Seen

To celebrate our first Age Without Limits Action Day this exhibition of photography celebrates the huge diversity across ages and shows there is no…

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Older people cooking

Action Day resources to download

We’ve created some free, downloadable materials to support you in whatever you do to mark the Age Without Limits Action Day. 

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Two line dancers

Ageism - key facts and stats

Get to know the facts about ageism and how it affects different parts of our lives.

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A toilet sign

Access to a toilet when you need it

Having access to a toilet is a basic human right.The problem is getting worse. We have lost nearly 60% of public toilets since 2010 – largely due to…

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An older man and younger woman walking

Find out how walkable your community is

Having the ability to move around our local area is important for us all – it means that we can stay involved in our communities, enjoy…

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